Privacy Policy

ICR Israel Canada Reem Holdings Ltd. (hereinafter: “the Company“) respects the privacy of its Customers, its potential Customers who are interested in the Company’s services, and the users of the Website the Company manages and operates at (hereinafter: “the Customers” and “The Website” respectively). Therefore, the Company decided to publish this privacy policy and undertakes to act in accordance with it.

This privacy policy provides you, as a customer, an explanation of the Company’s practices in relation to customer privacy, including the manner of collecting the data from the Customers on the Website, by phone or in person, or anonymous data collected by it when using the Website (such as cookies or pixel), how it is saved, used, etc. (hereinafter: “the Policy“).

Please note that the mere use of the Website indicates you agree to this policy without any exception. By using the Website, you confirm that you have read, understood and agreed to any term of this policy without any condition or reservation. If you do not agree to the privacy policy or any of its terms, you are requested to stop using the Website immediately.


Provision of information and its use

  1. As part of using the Website or during a conversation or meeting with the Company or its representatives, we may collect data that you choose to share with us or data obtained when you are using the Website, such as: first name, surname, I.D. number, address, email address, phone number, IP address, etc. (hereinafter: “the information“). Please note that you are not required by law to provide any information to the Company, and the provision of such information depends solely on your wish and consent.
  2. The information you choose to share with the Company will be kept in the Company’s databases. The Company will use the information solely according to this policy terms and/or according to the applicable law. The Company will use the Information in order to contact you, to provide you information about the assets and/or services the Company offers or provides to you, as well as for operational needs and internal statistics. To the extent that you have given your consent to receiving advertisements, the Company will also be entitled to send you advertisements by e-mail, text messages to your mobile phone, by using WhatsApp app, text messages, automatic dialing systems for telephone lines, etc., all in accordance with the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasting) Law, 1982.
  3. The Company won’t transfer the information, or allow its use and won’t disclose it to any third parties, except in the cases detailed below:
  • The Company will be entitled to transfer the information to third parties that provide it services that are necessary for its activity, in the manner and to the extent required for the proper provision of the services. Such information will be transferred after receiving the third party’s commitment to maintain the confidentiality of the information and to use it only for the purpose of providing services to the Company.
  • In the event of a change in the Company’s legal structure, the Company will be entitled to transfer the information to another corporation incorporated by law, that will merge with it; and/or to another corporation incorporated by law that will merge its activities with the Company’s activities, provided that the activities of the other corporation incorporated by law are similar to the Company’s activities; and/or with a joint venture of the Company and another corporation incorporated by law.

A threshold condition for transferring the information in each of the cases listed in this subsection is that the other corporation incorporated by law accepts the Company’s privacy policy in full.

  • The Company will be entitled to transfer information of a certain customer or a group of Customers, who committed an illegal act and/or assisted and/or enabled such act to be committed, in order to file a police complaint, perform a self-examination of the circumstances of the act, prevent access to the Website and take any action In order to prevent such an act, treat it or prevent its recurrence.
  • The Company will be entitled to transfer the information in order to exercise its rights and receive any injunction and remedies to which the Company is entitled by any law.
  • The Company will be entitled to transfer the information in accordance with the provisions of a judicial order and/or another competent authority order instructing it to provide the information. Without prejudice to the above, the Company will be entitled to transfer the information for the purpose of protecting its rights within any conflict or dispute, or legal proceeding regarding the use of the Website, or the use of the information, or the provision of the services and/or the assets provided by the Company to the users, or any other case that requires protection of the Company’s rights.


  1. Cookies are used on the Website for its regular and proper operation, including collecting statistical data about the use of the Website, verifying details, adapting the Website to your personal preferences and for data security needs.
  2. If you are not interested in the presence of cookies, you can cancel them by changing the settings in your browser (you can use the browser’s help file for this purpose). In addition, you can delete the cookies on your computer at any time. Please note that disabling cookies may disrupt or prevent the use of some or all of the services or features on the Website or other Websites.


Data Security

  1. In order to protect the information and minimize the risks of theft, damage, loss or unauthorized access to the information, the Company operates up-to-date data security systems and procedures. While these systems and procedures reduce the risks of unauthorized intrusion, they do not provide absolute security.
  2. Therefore, the Company does not guarantee, and you cannot reasonably expect, that the services and information systems used by the Company will be completely immune from theft, damage, loss or unauthorized access to the information stored in them. You are aware of and agree to these limitations by using the services.


Rights to inspect information, correct it, and delete it

  1. According to the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981 and the Protection of Privacy Regulations (Conditions for Inspection of Information and Procedures for Appeal on a Denial of a Request to Inspect), 1981, any person is entitled to inspect information about him that is held in a database. A person who inspects information on him and found that such information is not correct, complete, clear or updated, may contact the owner of the database by request to correct the information or delete it.
  2. To the extent that you wish to inspect the information held in the Company’s database, and then correct it or delete it, you can contact us, according to the regulations mentioned above, by yourself or through someone on your behalf who has a written authorization signed by you, through a written request to the email address: [email protected].



  1. The Company is entitled to change the whole privacy policy or part of it at any time. This is in accordance with changes in the law, changes in the structure of the Company, changes in the structure of the Company’s database and in accordance with anything else at the Company’s sole discretion. As the Company changes the privacy policy substantially, it will act to inform the Customers about the changes made, by publishing an appropriate notice on the Website. The Company may also inform the Customers by any other means in accordance with the provisions of this policy.
Last updated on 22.8.2022